Trusted Student Visa Consultant in Ahmedabad

Need help with selecting your dream study destination? Nationwide Overseas Education, the best Student visa consultant in Ahmedabad, will guide you for top colleges, universities, and student visa step-by-step guidance at affordable prices. We follow a structured approach to help aspiring students fulfill their dream of overseas education.

Top 5 Cities for Students in the UK

There are a lot of things to consider when you’re moving to a new country for education. A lot of questions – Which race to choose? Which university to choose? Which city to choose? Which course to choose? and a lot more. It is important to clear all doubts before moving to a different country. Of course, it’s usually not that easy to decide. Most of the students do not know their destination beforehand. Even if you have been able to visit a few cities in the country, it is difficult to get a vibe of student life without some local insight.

If you are choosing the UK as a country to study then here we have mentioned the best cities in the UK to build a great career. The rankings are based on the quality of education, the standard of living, and opportunities for work. If you are still struggling with a visa then you can contact some of the best UK student visa consultant in Ahmedabad.

Here are the Top Cities for Students to Study in the UK:


Incredibly international and brilliantly British is the best thing about London city of the United Kingdom. Ranked among the world’s top cities, London is the best city for students to live in. With more than 40 higher education institutions and 4 lakh students, it is one of the biggest student hubs in the world. The best thing is a lot of things to explore in this city.

Some of the best educational institutions in the world are located in London such as the London School of Political Science, London University, Imperial College London, and many more. The student visa agent in Ahmedabad can help you in getting admission. Being one of the most diverse cities, it is the epicenter of UK culture and entertainment.


Edinburgh, the Scottish capital is the 16th best student city in the world. The city has beautiful architecture and a buzzing atmosphere. Every year tourists flock here to wait for the world’s biggest and most beautiful festival. With that, there are historical landmarks and pubs that have been standing in the same spot for ages. Edinburgh’s students have all the benefits of urban life including the best universities, contemporary art galleries, cool basement bars, and a lot more.


Manchester is the 24th best student city globally. The Smiths, Oasis, is the best choice for students in the world. With countless gigs every day happening, its musical tradition is fascinating. The University of Manchester is among the top universities in the UK. It is a well-connected city with lots of jobs and affordable living costs.


Being the fourth-best city in the UK for students, it stands at 39th place in the world for students. Its university has top rankings in the world and has a large number of mixed populations. The University of Glasgow and the University of Strathclyde. You can contact the student visa consultant in Ahmedabad to get more details about getting admission to these universities. It is an artistic city and the largest city in Scotland.


Coventry is the 5th best city in the UK. This city is famous for student diversity with almost 40% of its students coming from abroad. Coventry University and the University of Warwick. It is well-known for its comedy gigs and the number of pubs. There are a variety of theaters and art galleries around the city. In fact, the city of the UK is a city of culture for 2021, which means there will be an opportunity for the city to boost its civic pride and tourism.

These were the top cities for students in the UK. Choose the city according to your preference. Some people choose the city on the basis of an academic experiment, while others seek cultural stimulation. You should select the city based on your convenience and choice to study in UK.


Are you Planning to Pursue Your Higher Studies in Abroad?

If you are planning to pursue higher studies abroad for a bright future, then you need to apply for IELTS exam to prove your proficiency in English. IELTS is the most common test which is recognized by universities and schools. If you need more information about the studying abroad, then contact best Student visa agent in Ahmedabad.

Source: Top Reasons Why You Must Appear In Ielts Test